Cannabis, Marijuana, Weed, Pot? Just Call It a Job Machine
April 25, 2019
Governor Murphy and Senate President Sweeney Visit West Deptford School District to Discuss Benefits of Pre-K Funding in State Budget
Governor’s FY2020 Budget Includes an Additional $68 Million for Preschool Programs
WEST DEPTFORD – Governor Phil Murphy, Senate President Steve Sweeney, and Department of Education Commissioner Lamont Repollet today visited pre-K classrooms at Oakview Elementary School in the West Deptford School District to discuss the benefits of expanding pre-K education. West Deptford has been underfunded since the School Funding Reform Act of 2008 was enacted, but the school funding agreement reached by Governor Murphy and the Legislature last year has increased funding in the district, giving West Deptford additional resources to provide a high-quality education for students in pre-K through grade 12.
New Jersey Republicans are united in their opposition to marijuana reform. According to a article, (“Here’s how your N.J. lawmaker is leaning on legalizing weed,”) of the 15 Senate Republicans, 14 of them plan to vote “No” on marijuana legalization, with one Undecided. In the Assembly, there is only one Republican who is willing to vote Yes. Why are the Republicans so opposed to marijuana reform?
New Jersey’s Medical Marijuana Patients Hold Protest for Patient/Caregiver Medical Marijuana Home Cultivation at Senate President Sweeney’s Office
April 02, 2019
WHO: Medical marijuana patients and advocates
WHAT: Protest to raise awareness to the need of home cultivation emergency relief
WHEN: Thursday, April 4, 2019 at 1:00 pm
WHERE: Gloucester County District Office 935 Kings Hwy #400, West Deptford, NJ 08086(We’ll be on the sidewalk facing the highway)
WHY: Failure to allow common sense, affordable home cultivation access to the Compassionate Use Medical Marijuana Act
1199SEIU statement on Gov. Murphy’s budget address
AFSCME New Jersey Executive Director Steve Tully on Governor Murphy’s Proposed Budget:
Trenton, NJ – AFSCME New Jersey Council 63 supports the budget proposal that Governor Murphy unveiled today. The Governor’s proposal continues to move New Jersey in the right direction by making investments in public services like education, transportation, higher education, and health care, while continuing to meet the State’s pension obligations to public employees. We strongly support his plan to invest in crucial programs and create new revenue sources to help provide quality public services that the people of New Jersey rely on.
New Jersey Main Street Alliance Statement in response to Governor Phil Murphy’s Fiscal Year 2020 budget
March 05, 2019
Highland Park — New Jersey Main Street Alliance released the following statement today in response toGovernor Phil Murphy’s Fiscal Year 2020 budget address.
“This budget brings our corporate tax incentive programs back in line with reality and levels the playing field for small business owners who pay their fair share of taxes,” said Raj Bath, Business Representative for New Jersey Main Street Alliance.
Murphy Budget Step in Right Direction, Legislature Needs to Better Support NJT, BPU, DEP
Fiscal Responsibility, Tax Fairness and the Environment Go Hand in Hand
Trenton, NJ — Clean Water Action’s NJ State Director, Amy Goldsmith, released the following statement in response to Governor Murphy’s proposed budget released this afternoon.
“Fiscal responsibility is a key component to environmental protection. Funding key environmental and public health safeguards has suffered over years of fiscal irresponsibility and it will take years to undo the damage done. Governor Murphy inherited this mess and his proposed budget is moving New Jersey in the right direction. This budget is demonstrably more fiscally responsible than years past – fewer one shots, over $1 billion in budget cuts, less diversion of dedicated funds and increased tax fairness.